Sustainable Windows & Doors

Sustainable & Durable

Gaulhofer Sustainable Quality Custom Wood Windows Our windows and doors are made of sustainably harvested wood, from forests managed according to strict PEFC standards – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification.

The PEFC is the world’s largest forest certification organization, operating as an international non-profit dedicated to sustainable forest management.

All of our products are built using edge-grain larch and spruce grown in Austria’s alpine forests. We chose spruce for its strength and stability, and larch for its ability to withstand extreme weather conditions.

Furthermore, our cladding is made of quality aluminum, a sustainable metal, meaning that it can be recycled again and again with no loss of material.

Together, these materials form a product that will last for generations… the true measure of sustainability. After all, why put all this energy into building something this good unless it is going to be around for a long time?

Energy Efficient

Gaulhofer Energy Efficient Windows

    • Gaulhofer windows far exceed all insulation standards: u-value, air infiltration, solar heat gain, decibel level.


    • Our optimized thermal glass spacer, Gaulhofer Thermostop®, minimizes low temperature zones around the glass edges and thermal bridging, greatly lower heating costs.


    • Sealing with UV resistant Gaulhofer silicone keeps the glass joint tightly sealed, preventing condensation or air leaks.


    • Energy efficiency features include argon or krypton (option) filling and low-e coated glazing.


    • Gaulhofer windows and doors are ideally suited to the construction of Passive House dwellings, the most energy efficient homes in the world. (More on Passive House standards available here.)


Insulated Windows Gaulhofer