Lift and Slide Patio Door

The Gaulhofer lift and slide patio door is the most widely used sliding door – for large openings -  on the market today. We can create sliders of up to 32’ wide.  Some of our sliding panels are 8’ width and more,  and yet can be operated with very little effort.

When the handle is turned, rollers are gently deployed which lift the operable panel very slightly. Once lifted, the panel can be rolled sideways to create stunning openings. This door has the lowest threshold of all our units.

An incredible, easily-operated  door that allows you to invite the outside to become part of your living space.

The functionality and ease of operation will amaze generations to come.



Gaulhofer Lift and Slide Patio Door

Note: You’re welcome to log into our Design Centre for detailed product specifications and to view architectural drawings of the various product options.